Poland Communications, Inc.
Capital purchased a 10% interest in Poland Communications, Inc. in 1994
and led a restructuring of Polska Telewizja Kablowa (PTK),
a pioneering cable television firm in Poland.
its profitability was restored, the Company embarked on an aggressive
build out and acquisition program to become Poland’s dominant cable
television company with over 1,000,000 subscribers. To support this
growth, Longmeadow Capital led a $65 million venture capital round and
a $130 million U.S. public high-yield bond offering, the first for a
Polish firm.
1997, the company was listed on the NASDAQ exchange.
Status: In 1998 Poland Communications, Inc.
was sold to United Pan-European Communications (UPC). Longmeadow
Capital realized a return of over 40 times its initial investment. More
information about PTK can be found at www.ptk.com.pl.